Commercial housing pre-sale contract registration and filing refers to the real estate development enterprise after the pre-sale license, and the buyer signed the "Commercial Housing Sales Contract" within a certain period of time, should apply to the project location of the real estate transaction management department for the pre-sale of commercial housing contract registration procedures. The obligatory subject of registration and filing is the presale, that is, the real estate development enterprise; The competent authorities for registration and filing shall be the real estate administrative departments and land administrative departments of the people's governments at or above the county level; The content that registers put on record is commodity house presale contract.
但需要注意的是,实践中往往会将商品房预售合同登记与商品房预售登记相混淆,将未预售登记的处罚当成对没有进行预售合同登记备案的处罚。 实质上两者虽然有一定关系,但性质完全不同。房地产开发企业在符合预售条件后,必须向县级以上人民政府房地产管理部门办理预售登记,取得商品房预售许可证明,才能开始预售,才能与买受人签订商品房预售合同,才需要进行合同登记备案。可见,商品房预售登记是商品房预售合同登记的前提条件,其目的是取得商品房预售资格,而商品房预售合同登记备案是商品房销售的结果,二者有本质的区别。
But need to pay attention to is, in practice oftenwill be commercial housing pre-sale contract registration and commercialhousing pre-sale registration confusion, will not pre-sale registration as thepenalty for no pre-sale contract registration for the record. In essence,although there is a certain relationship between the two, but the nature iscompletely different. Real estate development enterprises in line with thepre-sale conditions, must to the people's government at the county level abovethe real estate management department for pre-sale registration, obtain thepre-sale permit for commercial housing, to start pre-sale, to sign the pre-salecontract with the buyer of commercial housing, just need to register thecontract. It can be seen that the pre-sale registration of commercial housingis the prerequisite for the pre-sale contract registration of commercialhousing, its purpose is to obtain the pre-sale qualification of commercialhousing, and the pre-sale contract registration of commercial housing is theresult of the sale of commercial housing, the two have essential differences.
For commodity house opens to booking a contractregistration and filing, therefore, is not the legal requirements of thecontract comes into force, in the article 6 of the commercial housing sales contractstipulates that the parties to the commodity house opens to booking a contractbeing in accordance with the laws, administrative rules and regulations isdealt with register put on record formalities, request to confirm contractinvalid, no support. Therefore, go through the formalities of registration andfiling is not the necessary elements for the contract to become effective. Atthe same time, registration and filing does not have the effect of fightingagainst the third party, because according to the "Urban real estatemanagement law" "Urban commercial housing pre-sale managementmeasures", pre-sale registration and filing is actually the real estatedevelopers and buyers signed between the commercial housing sales contract forregistration and filing, the main target is the contract. And notice registeris the immovable property that undertakes to preserve the right of claim withreal right change as the purpose to register, what notice register registers,it is the right of claim of party concerned. There are obvious differencesbetween the two, so the registration of commercial housing pre-sale contractdoes not apply to the "Property law" provisions of the publicityagainst the third party.
In conclusion, remind the majority of buyers, according to the “Commercial housing sales contract interpretation” six provisions, commercial housing pre-sale contract registration is only the role of the record, and is not the pre-sale of commercial housing with the necessary conditions. At the same time, "urban commercial housing pre-sale management measures" has been the commercial housing pre-sale contract registration from the scope of administrative punishment to delete. As far as law is concerned, registration and filing does not have the effect on any real right meaning, the commercial house sale contract after registration and filing, its creditor's right of vendee and common creditor's right are in the same position.
(2023-04-12 15:00:09)
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