tibet 是什么意思及中文翻译:
名词(n.) 西藏
Tibeti 蒂佩蒂
tibetan 西藏人
Tibetia 高山豆属
Tibetacris 西藏
Tibetology 藏学
Tibetochrysa 藏哥克里萨
Tibetan-Burman 藏-缅甸
Okileucaugetibet Okileucagetibet
Tibet Airlines 西藏航空公司
Cittamatra in Tibet 西藏的西塔玛特拉
Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 青藏高原
Qinghai–Tibet Railway 青藏铁路
Tibet Information Network 西藏信息网
Serfdom in Tibet controversy 西藏的农奴制争议
Incorporation of Tibet into the Peo 把西藏并入皮奥
Incorporation of Tibet into the People's Republic of China 将西藏并入中华人民共和国
Seventeen Point Agreement for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet 和平解放西藏十七点协议
tibet 相关例句
The Growth Status of Abies smithii in Southeast Tibet.
Remarkable achievements have been gained in archeological work in tibet.
The central government sent a lecture group to Tibet to facilitate the development of Tibet.
You were in Tibet two years ago. You werent in Tibet two years ago. Were you in Tibet two years ago
The situation as regards human rights in old Tibet bears no comparison with the situation in Tibet today.
Academia Sinica Institute of Modern History Tibet envoy to lead the diplomatic archives located in Germany.
Their intention is to smother and even kill off the Tibet question, and Tibet has now become an enormous prison.
The agreement for the peaceful liberation of Tibet enjoyed the approval and support of the people from every ethnic group in Tibet.
The period of Dunhuang under the reign of The ancient tibet is the the important historical stage in Chinese and The ancient tibet esoteric buddhism exchange.
Epilogue discussed about independence of India in 1947. 8, so the British activities in Tibet were over, but India Government inherit the Policy of British toward Tibet partly.
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